A View Of The Tor
Many thanks for the concern for Sophie yesterday. I'm pleased to say that, after a night in hospital, she's back home and quite perky, although she's still not putting much weight on her hands.
Apparently, when toddlers get really laid low by colds and flu it can cause fluid to collect on the joints, making them very painful. If they are walking, it tends to gather on the hips but, because Sophie isn't walking much, it has gone to her elbows which are taking more of her weight.
Anyway, they are hoping that the fluid will dissipate naturally over the next few days and avoid the need to drain it off.
We've been feeling jaded today after a fairly restless night but we have managed to make inroads into the process of applying for probate for Tess's Dad's estate.
Haven't blipped a landscape featuring the Tor for a while, so here one is, taken when I nipped out to deliver some shopping to Chris, who is also laid up at the moment with another of the bugs that seem to be going round.
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