Days off

Nice Skype the boy and I had to Hawaii this morning to catch up with grandparents, looks terrible there!! My brother and his wife are living there currently so they are all having a lovely time.

Took the boy to have his hair cut this morning and then we had some shopping to do, new school shoes for the boy, very quiet in Clarks, snacks in Costa Coffee, collection from next, toys r us then the sewing shop. We got caught in a bad hail shower which wasn't nice, luckily near the car but we got soaked!

Home to start more sewing prep now with hubby as lovely material arrived this morning for our outside seats, hoping the weather improves soon!

blip was a big boat that we had watched trying to pass a barge the other side of the bridge and struggling, looks better this side!

I have this week off so I am enjoying the break

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