
Up and off to Heligan to get our Locals Passes. On the way it rained heavily and we learned 2/6 of us had not brought coats...

We did the Easter Egg hunt, played games and did the crafts. We timed perfectly the cafe to dodge another downpour and had a thoroughly pleasant day out.

Came home via the King Harry Ferry. I see it as my civic duty to point out that I could have crossed the Tamar 8 times (and longer journeys) for the same price as 1 single crossing on the King Harry ferry.

Home in time to turnaround ready for a night out with my fellow college classmates - well 3 of us. A very very funny and enjoyable evening followed. Too much gin, wine and cocktails but a lovely meal to try and absorb a bit of it! It seems we may try and turn it into a monthly affair...

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