Easter Bunny!

Hello Blipfriends!
Dolly reporting today!  

Last night we got home from our two days away. I was super happy to be home and even though I was very tired I raced around the house - upstairs and downstairs - just like I used to do when I was a puppy!! Sometimes I am so happy I just HAVE to run around!!  There's no place like home!!

But then! Mum did the dreaded thing!  She got her suitcase out and started putting a few things in it!  WHY does she keep doing that?? At least we had all of last evening together and all of this morning. When it was finally time to leave I was so reluctant to go that she had to carry me to the car!  

I DO love my dogsitting family and I was happy once we got there. And then!  Guess who was there waiting for me?  It was the Easter Bunny!!  It seems he was also very tired from his busy weekend and was there for a quiet visit.  

"So, that's OK, Mum!  You go ahead and fly off to America!  Easter Bunny and I will hang out here and catch up on our rest while you're gone!  See ya in a couple of days!"

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