Bobbing up and down

This is the front of our house. We live at the end of this walkway and on sunny evenings when the sun has left our sun terrace, Ann likes to sit out here with a glass of wine. Not that she's done much of that this year?!

However, in preparation of the sun coming out Ann has bought a new chair.
She's bought a new chair because when she sits on the seat next to the flowers she's too low down to see the view. ....................And more importantly, she can't see over the wall to see what the neighbours are doing. Ann is very nosey when she's sitting out the front; she's constantly bobbing up and down to see what is going on in the street?!

This evening it is sunny so Ann's just about to pour herself a glass of wine and try out her new chair. Apparently I've just got to lie in my normal spot by the railings. If you follow this link you can see the view that I have when I'm allowed to lie out the front.

OK; we've been out there for 2 mins and Ann already has a problem. .................She's got nowhere to put her wine so keeps having to bob up and down off the chair to get it. Any of you Blippers have any suggestions how she can solve this problem.

PS - Giving up wine is not an option????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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