Sharing my 67th with a nesting Heron!
Altho I'm not feeling up to snuf as I would regularly be for a tip top 67 year raging joyfilled gramma, Big R and I will go this afternoon on an overnight to one of McMenemins' places nearby. The grounds on the place should be awesome and the sun is out early today. I took a few "drugs" to mask my head (and face) cold and it's onward to celebrate...quietly howerver.
Yesterday my grandson, in rare form, was hopping up and down on his mama's and dada's bed and sang the sweetest ever verson of Happy Birthday to Gramma ....He was really into it and in his own realm and own world as he sang gift ever. Dogs went to the hooligan camp for a night...sweet bliss ha ha....and we will soon soak in the sunshine of a glorious PNW spring day.
And best ever yet...soon Zeke's baby sister will arrive...maybe a couple weeks and maybe evern sooner:)
Thanks as always for the kind words in your comments and sprinkles of stars and hearts. Blip lives on! (so do I ha ha) of park and one of nesting heron
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