
By littlesedz

Fast asleep

Today we dropped mummy's car off for its mot and then went to see grandma (and grandad when he came home for lunch). After lunch we went to see uncle jp and aunt sal, abbie and ella. I fell asleep in the car so mummy and daddy left me to snooze whilst they went in for a brew - the first time they've ever done this! Mummy was a little paranoid even though they had parked on the drive and could see me through the front window! I played with abbie and ella for a while when I woke up, before we headed back to pick mummy's car up.
This evening I did some painting and made a card for auntie nen, which mummy and grandma then took for her. Daddy gave me a bath and put me to bed. This is how mummy found me when she got home... fast asleep under my quilt with blue bear and white bear.

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