A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Albi Selfie

We could blame it on being tired or we could accept that I am becoming a grumpy(ier) old(er) woman but I am so distracted by that whole photo with the potential suicide belt hostage thing being described as a selfie I can barely focus on the story itself. So if we are calling any photo a person* is in now a selfie and in the spirit of if you can't beat them, join them here's one of Albi.

This was taken this morning when I crept around the kitchen making a cuppa so as not to disturb her. But don't tell the others as I have too much fun accusing them of treating her like a princess.

Since then there has been a ton of work for me, including working well into the evening and somehow I am still behind. I shouldn't complain as it was looking like there was going to be a work dry spell and it has suddenly deluged which in the scheme of things is a better problem to have.

Anna and Carl spent the morning doing the final, final sorting of her room which has only taken us about 4 months. But does leave her temporarily in the freaky position of having the tidiest room in the house. Her challenge is to keep it that way for her sleepover next week but as she is off tomorrow for 3 days she may succeed. They celebrated with lunch at Franco Manca.

J had a more sedate day. The last 4 or 5 have been relatively active and he has been able to do much more but today he pushed himself a bit too hard with some maths and had quite a crash afterwards. He did manage to recover by the evening so not a total backwards step and kind of just more learning in managing his rest, food and activities.

Lesley x

*yes, I know she's a dog. I'm not quite that tired.

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