The Itchy & Scratchy Show
I forgot my iPhone telephoto gizmo when I went to Tatton the other week and blipped No-Eye Deer. Not left the office all day today, but popped out for the usual constitutional with MrsB around Tatton at 18:00 and this time remembered to take it.
Things are hotting up there now for the RHS Flower Show which starts there on Wednesday. Hope the weather holds for it. Sadly, my mum has suddenly decided she is not coming to stay afterall this week, as she is full of a cold. Looking like I might heading over to Yorkshire instead then. Dare I pack my fly rods?
Tried a few shots walking around Tatton, but to be honest I came to the conclusion it needs a tripod to focus it properly - or needs a subject that doesnt move or is dead. This was about the best of a mediocre bunch, but at least it shows how much closer you can get with that lens if you compare to my previous attempt.
Really Bad (Deer) Joke #77
A man shoots a deer and takes it home to cook for dinner. Both he and his wife decide that they won't tell the children what kind of meat it is immediately, but will give them a gentle clue and so let them guess. The kids are eager to know what the meat is, and so they beg their dad for a clue. Well, he said, "It's what mummy calls me sometimes in private".
The little girl screams to her brother "Don't eat it, it's an asshole."
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