A Day Worth Recording

By Cheeseminer


Remember this? Well, it won a photo competition today!

Some months ago it was suggested that the office could do with some artworks. Being who I am I suggested that it would be nicer, and cheaper, to make use of the creative talents of those within the building than to buy 'commercial' office art.

Consequently a photo competition was announced.

There was a certain amount of whispering in my ear suggesting certain blips should be entered - indeed a list of blip dates was provided! This particular one is nice, but really has sooo many technical problems... well, I don't suppose anyone will notice.

Something to learn - ad hoc, low-res snaps can win prizes. OK, so the prize was a box of biscuits, but that's not really the point.

This other blip is also now on the wall of the adjoining meeting room. It amused those deciding the locations that the sculpture/trees on the photos were visible out of the respective windows.

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