Technopolis reward

Dex has been working hard to earn stickers for good behaviour in the last month (including not having a tantrum if he doesn't get his bag first on the line at school in the morning - he really is quite competitive!). Once he reached a certain amount he was allowed to choose a family trip of his choice and he chose Technopolis which is a hands on science museum. We love it here but haven't been since the summer (I've blipped it many times) so we were more than happy to oblige our little Dex. The kids flew an airplane, walked on the moon and Daddy rode a bike on a tightrope!

Later on in the day we had planned an Easter treasure hunt at home (with 26 clues) which was a lot of fun but exhausting as they were hidden all over the house including the garden!
The things you do when you have kids!

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