Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Ice Face

Tonight was the companies 20 year birthday do at Dynamic Earth.
Met up with a few of the others at the Worlds End Pub for a pint and then went over the Dynamic Earth. Never been there before and it does look a fun place if you have kids.
Bubbles were a plenty as we mingled in the rain forrest having canapés before going to the ice age room and the large ice burg that has melted.

Looks like some people have been having fun trying the get their fingers into the ice.

After a few more drinks it was upstairs for a bit of food and some nice speeches about the founder and how he decided to create a machine to scanning the back of your eye after his son suffered a detached retina at an early age.

Finished up going back the Worlds End for a couple more.

This was one of the better photos as it was take early in the evening.

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