
By Lot


My professor told me what the final grade for my thesis was this morning. I won't bore you with an explanation of the Dutch grading system, but even though it wasn't perfect, considering the circumstances I am very happy with it. I loved my subject but had some dificulty writing it the way masters thesises are supposed to be written. And I had to switch supervisors because the first one quit due to personal problems (he really had a very good reason). Luckily my second superviser already knew me and had some good advise, but I still wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Still, she was quite positive about the thesis I had handed in, and certainly found it worthy of the masters program. She complimented me on my independent working method and writing skills: two things I was very happy about.

When I told my mother, she decided that this was a good reason to celebrate. I have been in a festive mood since my professor mailed me last week that I would very likely get a sufficient grade to pass, but today felt extra special. We wanted to drink tea, but her work ended too late so we had prosecco instead. We also ate roasted garlic soup and a delicious cheesecake, but I decided that the picture of the procecco was the most appropriate for today.

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