Searing pain

It is one of those days when I am inspired to clean the house. After sweeping, i went to get the vacuum cleaner from the storage. The vacuum cleaner is not particularly light and so when i lifted it up, and probably coupled with wrong posture, a searing pain started to emanate from my lower back. For the next few minutes, I was in pure pain and could not stand nor bend properly. I continued cleaning anyway. After eating, I administered hot compress and took Ibuprofen. I told my housemate what happened and he suggested that i walk around and get some exercise. It was a nice day outside with the sun out and so i decided to go ahead. An hour later i found myself 2 miles away from the house and near the Kenilworth Greenway (another town). I dont know if it was just the ibuprofen but i felt better then that my hips got to move a little bit. I am hoping that I am going to feel much better tomorrow. Trip must go on!

104/226 - pages of my thesis I have revisited. I will "try" to do some work tomorrow before leaving for the airport.

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