To The Lighthouse!

It seemed to recede before us as we walked the coastal path today!
Another life affirming day in North Cornwall which started with a hilly cycle with Van Man. The others prepped the picnic and after rendezvous plans were made, Ona and I trudged familiar paths for the first couple of hours before heading onwards to new coastline and beautiful views. We reckon to have covered ten and a half hilly miles - and Bailey was with us every step.
We had been a little ambitious about picnic meeting time with the surfers on Constantine but serendipity prevailed and a lovely lunch with a sea view was enjoyed. Perfection lay in a great take away coffee van close by. Bliss!
A drive up to Trevose Head and a lucky sighting of some seals which added to the beauty of the setting.
The day was marred a little by Van Man injuring his ankle but he drove us back and cooked his signature crab linguini supper despite all, so we're hopeful that further recovery will be made by tomorrow.

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