In the Jungle the Mighty jungle.....

A day of reflection....

Two days ago I had a disagreement with my boss that went up the chain very fast. Its very complicated but the company I hired on to was family run. Two years ago we were bought out by a company that is traded in the stock market. Slowly things are changing over for profit first over the health of the driver. (Yes that is my side on the story) 

Being technically correct isn't good enough. Just because the numbers on a screen says everything perfect, in the real world it hardly is.

So while watching this bird gather up twigs and things for a nest the song The Lion Sings Tonight came to mind..   As a sophomore in jazz choir (10th grade High School) eight of us sang that song at the Mount Hood Choir Festival. Jazz choirs from Washington and Oregon competed. The whole choir came in 3rd place. A really great song that can be very hilariously sung. Anyhow here is one version.

As my parents would confirm my sophomore year in high school was the lowest point in my life. When you get to the point I was, going through the motions got easy.  Today reminded me of that. 

With help I have come a long ways but where I will be in two weeks is currently up in the air.. I will see, I will decide, I will try and take the high road...

Sorry I can't be positive today... 

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