At blurring speed

Got to the hospital well ahead of the time I needed to be at Taharoto Road for a couple of meetings. Walked there via a loop beside Lake Pupuke. A lone kayaker was doing sprint reps on the small lake adjacent to the main lake. I took a very unsuccessful photo with the Nikon, after having to reset the date and time. So I waited for him to start another rep; and got this photo.

On my way to the hospital by car, I had to stop at the lights just after leaving the motorway. I took the extra through the windscreen, just as the light went green. I would probably have chosen that photo to blip, but the Nikon labelled it as having been taken on Tuesday 29 March. The time was right. As there was a similar date error in a photo taken yesterday, I guess I put in the wrong date during the previous reset. So it goes. Makes a good extra.

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