Baby Pigeon

After our walk I came home to a house full of children, well 5 anyway. Lennon and Dhylan, our grandchildren, Noah, Jonah and Johan our great nephews.
They went out into the back garden to play and came screaming into the house shouting that there was a bird in the green garden bag. When I went out the extra photo is what I found. I'd seen it earlier in the day when Jonty found it in the garden but it went into a bush so I didn't realise how young it was.
Took the bag around to the back of the garden, below the tree where I know the nest is, and put it on the ground so it could get out. A couple of steps out of the bag and it flew off straight into the conservatory window!
It was ok and scrambled around to the corner.
I already had the camera so took the opportunity to take a photo while it was making low 'cooing' noises, obviously calling to it's parents to help out.
I've left it now and I'm sure the excellent parents will rescue their baby. They nest every year in the garden, same tree, possibly the same nest!

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