Anna and Henry

By AnnaandHenry

Little snotmonster

Henry slept really badly for my mum and dad as well - he was awake from 11-1 and from 4-6, oh dear! At least it makes me feel less like its something we're doing wrong. It doesn't help that he's coughing quite badly overnight still, mum is convinced that he needs antibiotics but I'm not so sure.

Apparently some babies do have a 12 month sleep regression (combination of molars coming through and developmental leaps) but I hope this one doesn't last too long!

I had a fairly good day at work today (apart from diagnosing someone with cancer, that's 3 in 2 weeks, depressing) and finished on time and got lots of kisses and cuddles from my little snotmonster. My meeting tomorrow afternoon has been cancelled so I have a lazy day of playing and catching up on naps planned!

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