
By Stuart9613


Scruffy has been getting her feet sorted out.One of her little front ones has been a bit sore.
In the news today apparently there are now more fat people than thin ones.Why can't the media just leave fat people alone not everyone wants to be a health freak.I can't help thinking that the media must take it's share of responsibility.Everytime you turn the TV on another cooking or baking competition and if you are happily sat on your fat arse after a good large meal it can make you feel that it is time for a second desert or a good large slice of cake.Also in the same news report the number of people who die while walking in the Lake District has gone up dramatically and the main reason is heart attack.So walking not as healthy as it is claimed.I wonder how many of those people would still be with us today if they had just stayed at home and had another cake.

Some good orders out today and we have caught up with the transplanting this week.Potting is getting caught up with including the first Non-Stop Begonias getting done.First batch of Cucumbers germinated and I need to get some more Tomatoes sown.

I will catch up soon.Been a bit busy.

Cold and grey day.

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