Shadow Girl!

Totally and utterly pooped! It was a full on chicken day today! Up early to open the girls on the plot, then a dash to the local shops 10 mins away to go to three places to get vegetables, vaseline and surgical spirit, mash and mixed corn - all for the girls! Plus rat bait for my back garden as i think i hear rats in the ceiling above my bathroom again! I felt i ha to explain why I needed two pots of vaseline and 4 bottles of surgical spirit to the pharmacist!
Back to the plot to meet Colourful Mai and do the chicken pedicure. Trouble is we kept forgetting who we had done and kept picking up the ones already done! Tawny, Penny and Felicity disgraced themselves by kicking the bowl and spilling all the surgical spirit over Mai and me - so two bottles used! It was windy and cold enough as it was! The usual suspects played hard to get and Mai did a spectacular Rugby style tackle of Snowflake - holding her aloft like a trophy whilst flat on her back! I had bought lemon and white chocolate muffins as a treat for us to have round the warmth of the incinerator but it was so cold and we were both so weary we went back to mine and ate them with a hot drink instead!
After dropping Mai off I went to the ex-coop members to look at their coop. In had had a brainwave, doesn't happen very often! If I put their old coop on Party Girls mums  land ( it's land not a garden!) whose chickens I look after when they go away, then if I want to go away they can go to hers for a holiday too! If I get a run built they will be safe and free to roam-ish! Far more than being cooped up in the coop and run at my place anyway! 
They have two Lionheaded rabbits , one which was found in the middle of a country road by another ex coop member! I would have had a cuddle but am very allergic to their fur and didn't have my inhaler with me! 
So - tried putting coop in the back of my car - no chance, so after taking their dog to the vets they would take it up to my friends. So I went up to discuss my plan with them before it arrived! They were out but Ebay man was there so told him the plan and texted the mum!
Home to clean my 4 newbies coop and then had a snooze! Woke in time to make a curry and then back to the allotment to put the girls to bed! I didn't have the stamina for doing the incinerator after digging up more clods of grass for the newbies! This is the steps up to my front door after a very tiring day! Can you see the poor shadow I cast as I slowly hauled myself up the steps?! 

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