Home Sweet Home

We travelled back home today after a lovely week with our family. It was exhausting at times visiting them all but worth it as always. Admittedly, saying goodbye to my Grandparents is getting that little bit harder everytime we go. Although, we actually had to say goodbye twice because I realised as we were five minutes up the mountain that I'd forgotten my camera! I couldn't wait until August for it. Ironically I noticed it was missing because I wanted to take a pic of the view as we drove up Aberdare mountain.
The journey was particularly long today, there seemed to be roadworks everywhere. Li'l sis was still under the weather and slept most of the way. Thankfully she wasn't sick.
The cats and the other half seemed pleased to see us when we finally arrived home.
Home after a cuppa with mam then unpacked, showered and in my pjs after cooking the other half his tea. I think he's glad I'm back. He has done the housework and washing so he is definitely in the good books! I thought it was an April fools' prank when he texted to tell me the news this morning.

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