some colour

Shetland Day 10
Not an easy day for photography, the wind was very strong and very cold and it was also very grey!
When we pitched the tent the wind was SE but as it got stronger it turned NE and the tent was getting a real battering, though was doing okay, so we wrestled it down and into the car as early as we could.
The plan was to return to Lerwick the scenic way, which we did but didn' stop too much as it was so wild out. We did have a short walk to a waterfall in a more sheltered spot, had coffee and scones in an old mill and went past the islands' biggest wood.
Back in Lerwick I bought a load of wool before we put up the tent again and then spent the afternoon in the town, mainly at the excellent museum where these boats were. A blustery walk took us to Clickimin broch and then back to the campsite.

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