Over Yonder

By Stoffel

Action Kitty

My Dear Fellow,

Er Indoors is in bed, sleeping it off.  She wasn't happy about having to go out last night (Friday is curry & American Crime Story night) but resolved to just have a quick one and "be home by 8".

Well, I'm not sure what time she got in.  I was rudely awoken sometime in the early hours by a missus falling all over herself, panicking because she'd lost her new iPhone ("Oh no wait, here it is!") and feeling the need to tell me the Big Story of the Night despite the fact that I wanted to get her into her bed, so I could get back to sleep.

And all the while this is happening, cats are racing around the flat, excited because we're all up.

I can't be cross.  I do this sort of thing far more often that she does, and anyway it's funny.  All the same, I didn't see the funny side when I'd just got everyone calm again, headed back to bed, and then found Jasper sitting in the middle of it.  

So it wasn't a great sleep around a cat, and then I was awoken at 7.15 this morning by Punky wanting to play.  His new favourite game is "Pouncing Out From Under The Duvet".  He patted at his favourite string, and I indulged him for 10 minutes because I'm nice like that.

Here he is in action.  Again, a little blurry, but given the circs, I'm sure you'll understand.

El P.

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