The TAO of the Humming Tree

It was her turn to tell where we would walk today. So we departed for the the Drenke uplands. It was to become a warm afternoon. The heavy jackets could be left home. Only a thin plastic jack in the backpack would do. This time our tour would bring us over not too steep hills and fields. The shopping had been done. Our promenade could stay easy and relaxed. And so it was.

As we took a detour into a valley a tree - most probably a willow - drew our attention. It stood there in a shadowy road corner. And it was fullblown yellow. All over. As I came nearer I heard this remarkable buzzing. It swell and it became so bedazzling loud as we stood under the tree. You could hardly see all the busy bees dancing from one catlin to the other.

There were thousands! And infinite amazing was this sonore humming concert. The TAO of the Humming Tree. I can’t remember ever having witnessed such cosmic music. It was a most extraordinary experience. It made this walk over the Dierkesberg near Drenke unforgettable unique. You could imagine returning there and sit down under that tree. Lose time.

There were other beautiful vistas. Looking down on the old village of Amelunxen. Feeling enlarged by space, far away skyline, meandering fieldroads. Smiling, feeling fully awake and dizzy, buzzy like a hummingbeetree.

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