Life In Wales

By KarenC

The Start of the Season

I left Alison's just after 8am as I wanted to get a head start on the traffic.  It was raining heavily, so not a pleasant journey but it started to clear by the time I got to Oxford and the traffic was fine until I hit the M25.  

I arrived home at 1pm  and it was really sunny and warm, so once we'd unpacked the car, we headed into Brighton. It's definitely the start of the season with deckchairs on the beach and it was very busy with tourists. We had a lovely 'late' lunch at Al Fresco, although we sat indoors as by the time we got there it had started to cloud over and felt a little chilly.

I'm not feeling great tonight as I started with a sore throat yesterday and I seem to be losing my voice now, so I'll head to bed and hope it's better in the morning - apparently we have 18 degrees forecast tomorrow!

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