twinned with trumpton


107 miles later....

A 5am start to get Baz at 6; we headed off to Newburgh to meet Al et al for the final section of the Fife Coastal Path; the 19 miles from the Tay Road Bridge to Newburgh. From 8 we were out, through Newport and Wormit; dry, warm, flat calm. The sun tried to break through with limited success...

On we plodded - after a sociable hour, it then reverted to me and her out in front; the rest chatting away, more relaxed. Easy to see who doesn;t have to collect kids later..!
Practically deserted, we hugged the shoreline to Balmerino before climbing through the forests and onto quiet back roads through a succession of hamlets, past ruined castles, across the Marilyn of Norman's Law (a hill to tick off too! with brilliant views up and down the Tay Estuary. Onwards through woodland, past llamas and Jacob sheep and ponies, up into wild moorland before we arrives around 2 at a woodland with a view.
We stopped and admired the easy descent to the finish line whilst watching what looked like a novice paraglider. The islands in the estuary looked inviting - must work out how to get there.

And so we finished; smiles as much as relief - an enjoyable varied day.

We had an hour to kill until the others were due to arrive so we foraged in Newburgh for a cappuccino and Malteser cake before wandering back to the trail in time to welcome the others in.
Me Al and her all completed the trail today; the others still have some work to do.

Then homeward; dropped her home - our week over; and off to collect the boys and hot baths and carb overload before I staved off sleep long enough to post the photos of the day here.

MOTD can wait until Sunday morning.

Extra is the view as we plodded the last 3 miles into Newburgh

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