Best Bird

I'm not a serious photographer, so when i feel proud of myself here, it's a humble-proud. I heard the cry of a raptor as I crossed through the park near my place, which I expected was a Red-tailed Hawk. I looked up to the tops of the tall London Plane trees and spotted it, followed it for a few hops, and snapped a few dozen pictures.

We have a good number of raptors that pass through the city and this is the most common among them. But one does not see them every day. Two or three sightings per season will seem a treat to me.

This is the only shot that gives the unmistakable image of "bird," given the hard limitations of my little camera. I've snagged a few slightly better shots of hawks in recent years, but I was happy that the sound got me started instead of my happening to see the creature itself.

Another good thing is that I have a blip with no cat in it for a change.

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