I was surprised to see this morning an overcast sky, after yesterday's gorgeous weather.
I did simple things in the garden, had a phonecall with my sister, and then is was lunchtime.
After lunch we decided to go for a short walk. Just to capture the pink blossoms. We came to the bank of the Weser and I saw this scene.
I have told here that there are refugees in our town, and now for the first time I saw them enjoying a rest, sitting in the grass.
We sat on a bench along the path and did not venture to go further.
On our way back we saw at the end of a street an amazing sight: perhaps a hundred sheep were walking the Winnefeld street down.
We moved faster to see what was going on. Never had we seen a thing like that happening.
The sheep sheepishly followed each other, over the railroadbridge, and over the Weser bridge too. Then turned into the left road.
I wanted to reach the beginning of the parade, and there was a car, and the driver told me that they had come from Wahmbeck. some kilometers from here.
Eventually the sheep reached the meadow along the Weser, where they could rest, drink and eat. Some had already done a bit before, as you can see in my extra's.
I returned and found Piet Hein waiting for me at a bench at the end of the bridge.
As a vegan I do not like the fate that is awaiting for the sheep.

My haiku:

Could we all be friends
Humans and animals too,
But I know we will not

And the proverb:

To cry out before one is hurt.

1548  Reliq. Antiquae,  II, 16.

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