
By littlesedz

Hidey boo!

I tried to wake up super early again this morning... But mummy was having none of it! After putting me back down 3 times I started to try and climb out of my cot.. so mummy put me in bed with her and daddy. That was about 6.30! Daddy got up and gave me breakfast after I'd watched some of my new favourite film, monsters university.
This afternoon we went to nannie and grandpa's and I played outside for a while with the sandpit and the car. Then we all walked up to meet great grandma and went to the park. Great grandma came back to nannie and grandpa's house for tea. I was very tired and hadn't had a nap so was very grumpy and didn't eat much.
Mummy and daddy dropped me off at grandma and grandads house on their way home... another sleepover for me and a day with grandma tomorrow whilst mummy and daddy are at work :)

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