Coffee table

When I removed the glass from the coffee table, Sebastien took that as an invitation to use the wooden structure as a balance beam.

Sebastien closed a baby gate with Cider stuck on the other side yesterday evening. Then he heard Cider whine and I guess he understood what the dog wanted, because he opened the gate, grabbed Cider by the collar, pulled him through, and then shut the gate again behind him. It was too cute.

Likewise, I think I blew his mind a little yesterday when I showed him he could use the letters / sounds he knew to form some of his favorite words. He has a piece of paper on which we've drawn a lot of his favorite things and I added the word for a couple of the things, showing him how the sounds of the letters made the sound of the words. He got all excited and asked me to do the same for every picture. Then he kept repeating the words, pointing at the written words as opposed to the pictures, like he usually does. He kept looking up at me and smiling. I get a feeling he's going to love learning how to read someday.

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