My Best Efforts - Year 3


The Best Saleswoman............. Esme. This young lady was with me for over 14 years. She could sell a piece of Antique furniture better than anyone I ever knew. (if I had been obliged to pay her commission, she would have bankrupted me!!) A really lovely small table or chest of drawers would come into my shop - customers would show an interest but............... then Esme was placed on the item and customers would bill and coo no time at all, on would go the red "Sold" ticket. I don't know why she had this effect on people but she did. When I retired 2 or 3 years ago, I decided that she should come home with me. And now she sits, quietly and demurely and causing no trouble, on my dining room window sill. Money wise, she is worth nothing what! ...I like her.

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