"And the winner of the tackiest fridge magnet is..

We had a smashing end to our holiday with a traditional meal at the Paradise Dynasty restaurant in the very smart Singapore Airport before we flew out late last night, thank you to Yu Yen and Cary for taking us through the delights of multi coloured dim sun, stingray and gourmet eggs.
Fifteen hours later and we are home and just about hanging in there till bedtime with the unpacking done and the second lot of laundry in the machine. I unwrapped my collection of fridge magnets but the prize for the tackiest has to go to the one left by Charlie and Chun who stayed in our house over the Easter weekend. It is from Atlanta and has a floating peach (or is it an apple?) in its plastic housing. It even beats my cheesy Merlion from Chinatown and the Cromwell fruit.

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