Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Bean Running

Broadly speaking, Bean Running isn't an Olympic event but the Port Appin Hurriers introduced it as an alternative event when they couldn't get enough interest in forming another Bandy team. Despite having some of the best dribblers on the West Coast, in 2012 someone in the crowd took the puck so they've jacked it in..

They had no difficulty getting enough support for the Volleyball team, lots of support. One or two Appiners even wanted to join in (Hamish and Dougall appear in court later in the month).

Top event is Surfing and the Angry Birds Marathon is ever popular with the MacNerd Brothers wiping the floor with Billy MacGeek and his friend for the third year webbing. Sadly, four times winner Billy has withdrawn from the 2013 event saying "I don't mind losing but I get sick of being used to wipe the floor after those dirty birds".

Ball Games are fully booked with a waiting list to join the Billiards, Boule and Bowling groups but Softball was thought to be a little effeminate. They did try and set up a Motorcycle Racing Team but there was no-one who could run anywhere fast enough and even in practice the Ducatti won every time.

The Mull Tipple Events were won by the Mushnush Hotel Bar Team from Tobler Mory.

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