A right cup full.

Iv had a full on day at work but popped into the supermarket to pick up supplies for a new 5 Day Juice Challenge as a post Easter detox. The ingredients included fresh Basil. I have never had much luck at keeping Basil alive, so thought Id pop it into one of my broken mugs. I hope the Hearts help!

Im experiencing a new set of feelings at the moment. Daughter Number 1 went for a routine smear. She then thought nothing of it until her letter arrived on Saturday with news she was not expecting. Nor was I. She has been referred straight for a colposcopy and she's terrified. I know its human nature to fear the worst and she is. But for me, its just horrible to think your Babies are suffering. Physically or emotionally. Shes tearful and totally preoccupied with it. Fingers crossed they have got it wrong and things happen quickly.

That might be why I have another stinking headache. 


My Grandad was called Basil!

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