Whatever am I like ....

worrying my humans like this! The good news is that although I wasn't very well at 4 am this morning and was a bit sick and trembling , my temperature is now back down to normal again. I have had x-rays and scans today (nothing bad found) and yet more injections, and now the Vet is waiting for my blood results which will be back in the morning. Meanwhile the nurses are looking after me well and I have been having small meals of my original kibble (no more fish and rice) and drinking plenty of water which they are very pleased about. If my blood results are okay tomorrow then I will be home again and hopefully this time for good! I think I'm beginning to baffle Duncan my Vet as once I'm in this Dog Hospital I appear to be okay again! 
I reckon my humans will be glad to get a good night's sleep too and not worry about me as I have my own private nurse to keep watch over me all night!  :)

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