campervan man

By campervan

Why do we do it to ourselves?

Spent the day taking Billy to vets as he has not been very well again. He has been off colour for more than a week and this morning he did not eat his breakfast. This is an unheard of occurrence and set all our panic lights to bright red. Went to our vets and they ran tests.  Unfortunately our normal lady was not there and the vet we saw probably did not express herself very well. We were left thinking it was very bad, kidney or liver or both failure.  
After his major operation last year he has been seen regularly by specialist vets so we requested a referral and got one immediately, so off to Newmarket. On the journey he was looking better as our vets had re-hydrated him, he has been drinking a lot but must be peeing even more. The specialist vet examined Billy whilst we waited, reviewed the results from this mornings tests. His interpretation was different, he thought the results showed an earlier infection had not cleared up and might have spread. Not good but if correct the answer would be medical not surgical, another large operation not necessary. He ran further test and called us this evening to confirm his earlier diagnosis, he is not 100% yet but pretty sure.

Its been an emotional rollercoaster again today. We know Billy is not well and we will lose him one day, as we will lose Harry who is older. Knowing this does not help when faced with a poorly dog, all you want is for him to recover and be himself again. Hopefully tomorrow will bring good news.

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