A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley


She is a great watchdog. Not against burglars or anything useful obviously as they would take one look at her wagging tail and realise all they had to do was give a toy or a bit of attention and she'd let them take whatever they wanted. But if you need a cute sending off as you leave the house then this is the pup for you.

Of course the main event today was Jackson's GP appointment. Carlos took him along and it went pretty much as we expected, though not totally what we had hoped. The blood tests showed low levels of cortisol which suggests he has suffered an injury to the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.... the latter is only 1cm by 1cm and is susceptible to damage from a knock to the head, that often doesn't show on an MRI. Low cortisol explains just about every one of J's symptoms throughout. And why he hasn't been able to recover. Though the recent improvements in energy levels do indicate a possibility that the oxygen treatment has started to repair the damage. So that may well be something we carry on with. The immediate next step is a referral to a paediatric endocrinologist. The treatment, at least in the short term, is usually hydrocortisone tablets and the only additional bit we were hoping for was that the dr would prescribe some to get him started whilst we wait for the appointment. Perhaps not surprisingly she wanted to wait until he saw the specialist. Still good progress and another step in what feels like the right direction.

Lesley x

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