
By bristolpud

Botanical gardens

First day with the kids on my own after their trip to Sutton for a week. And what an amazing day. I've loved being with them again. We went to the uni botanical gardens this morn for a beautiful walk around totally deserted and stunning gardens. Much interest in the crazy plants in the massive greenhouse. This afternoon we had a wonderful few hours in the cemetery playing in the den which has been created by a fallen tree. The kids made me 'food' in their 'kitchen' and we had a ball. Gabriel is saying so much now and starting to put two or three words together. 'Stop it' is a favourite! He also wanted to tell Gaby about the den over supper by endlessly repeating 'house'. Lovely moment with Elodie before bed, cuddling on the sofa and she said "I don't think we'll ever stop cuddling mama". I'm feeling totally in love with them today.

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