Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Triple Tower!

Backblipped on 18th July 2012

Well, I'm guessing from this picture that I finally got the Triple Tower set up today. As you can see, it's HUGE - great accommodation for my boys - they absolutely love it!

It's almost a full Furet Tower plus Furet XL - I just had to cut off one or two rungs from the middle level so that the top wasn't higher than the ceiling. There's masses of space for hammocks, and since I put the extra doors in, the access is great! Furthermore, the boys can choose exactly where they want to be - those who like hanging out in hammocks watching the world can go up the top, and those who like snuggling into nests can do so down the bottom. Food and water is supplied at all levels! Great stuff!

Of course, the human (me) has to work hard to clean it, but it's so worth it to see how much the little men enjoy it!

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