GODZone Adventure Race

I'd like to look this good after 3 days of racing, the last 7 hours of which was spent kayaking down a river.  Yep - most New Zealanders will recognise this face, and a good number of others will too.  

Ritchie McCaw, ex All Black Captain and all round kiwi hero is taking part in the GODZone Adventure Race.  He is a member of the Cure Kids team (07).  

I've been missing all the race action as it came past school so this afternoon I dragged Farmergirl off to the river in the hope of a photo or two.  It was pretty thrilling to see team 08 come out of the water, and to have team 07 come out next was the icing on the cake for my day.  

Farmergirl blipped Ritchie in the boat so I thought I'd go with something different.  Not fair of me really - I know he is just one of a team of 4, but I didn't manage to get any photos of all 4 of them.  However, to be fairer, there is a photo of him and his kayak mate lifting it out of the water in my extras.

Made my day.  It's not every day I get to photograph such a famous face.

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