
I was pretty sure I knew what today's blip was going to be - but walking into High Borrowdale today I couldn't have known I'd meet Tom the Polcat. 
I knew something was up because Pushka was sniffing the ground and had gone into full hunt mode - but really - who expects to meet a lady walking a two foot long polecat on a lead???

Tom seemed friendly enough with his owner - but just as I was thinking of getting closer (Pushka tied to a tree!) - she uttered some words that frankly deterred me a little "oh - he does like to nip men...". This was quickly followed up with "and he smells really bad" - something I could confirm from a fair distance. But - he was fascinating - constantly moving - he never paused for even a second - and very inquisitive - his owner was quite certain that he wanted to go over and nip at the dog too.

Polecats get their name from the French - Poule Chat as it will & does kill chickens
The collective noun for polecats is 'chine'
Male polecats are Hobs & females are Jills
Polecats are almost entirely carnivorous.
They are famous for their smell.....

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