My happy little life

By khoola


of my little people today.

They were promised a bike ride to the outlet today, so despite the wind and rain, off we went (because if you say you're going to do something, you do it). It was very cold, very windy, and the smallest member of the gang has very little legs, but still managed the 7 mile ride there with minimal complaint.

After a pit stop for food and a run around the playground, the group decision was made that the weather was too rubbish, and their legs were too tired, so we'd hop on the bus home. The bus driver had other ideas about that. So we cycled back. And the sun came out. And they stopped to climb bridges and admire the views. And we had a very lovely chat about how sometimes, when things seem to not be looking very good, if you just try and make the best of it, you can be pleasantly surprised by how things turn out.

And so with all the lemons life's throwing at my two right now, they're making lemonade.

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