My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

All clear!

We went to the Royal Marsden Hospital today for my first check-up since Baby L was born. Good news is that I am still cancer free! This is a massive relief, especially as pregnancy sent my thyroid hormone levels all over the place. My levels will continue to be monitored with the hope of returning to pre-pregnancy levels soon.

Also, the staff at the hospital were brilliant, firstly they let the consultant know that we had 11 week old Baby L with us and we think we jumped the queue a little and they allowed us to hang around in the consulting room to breastfeed after my appointment. I shouldn't be surprised as the Marsden have always gone above and beyond the call of duty.

My blip is of Sloane Square which we passed through on our walk back to Victoria station on the way home. Baby L was carried by N in a different borrowed baby carrier all day and was brilliant. She enjoyed the trip on the train and the tube!

We've decided on the carrier we want to buy: The Boba 4g.

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