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Both children awake at 5
Coincidentally the time daddy's alarm went off. Twice!
Not sure they are linked but you never know.

Quiet morning in the house, my planning partner popped round and we sorted out quite a bit of stuff. Headed to croome for lunch, getting food from the croissant shop on the way. Both children fell asleep. Disaster.

I ate my lunch whilst sat in the car listening to the radio. Munchie woke first. Hysterical as she was so confused as to where she was. Wom then woke. Managed to cajole them into a walk. Followed by ice lollies. Popped up orange shop for suppliesl.

Home. Played in the garden. Brought the slide indoors and had many many giggles and only a few tears.

Trying to do quiet time. It's not going terribly well.

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