At The Ready

Tagged along with Mr KT on a sea kayak course. So we got to visit his office first (which he doesn't go to very often), near Aviemore and had a session on maps, charts and tides. Top coach - Howard Jeffs.
Then headed along to Loch Morlich to get on the water. We had thought we were in for some miserable weather but actually this afternoon was lovely and sunny - perfect for paddling. So we had some coaching in our paddle strokes and management of the boat. This was supposed to be a 'dry' day but the Teenager managed to take an unplanned dip. He was very brave about it!
Then we all got wet spending 2 hours in a pool learning to rolls the boats. Nearly there so a bit more training required on that skill. Felt thoroughly exhausted and washed out afterwards.
Drove west to Glenuig for our next destination and a fish supper on the way.

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