Mono Monday Backblip

Ah yes ... that is because I posted Sunday's cat yesterday and forgot to post this.  Oh well ... so here it is!  This MM's theme was 'FOOL' and I didn't have anything on the subject, and I certainly didn't think of making a selfie, although I could have.

Went to work, experienced the sharp pains, went back home, which is just as well as I wasn't interested in the seminar, just like a lot of other colleagues.  I don't know and is it just me, or was there really hardly a smiling face yesterday?  The atmosphere is strange these days, but then, who am I to judge?  When I got home, I took 2 Ibuprofens of 600 mg. each.  In 15 minutes, the pain was gone and never returned the rest of the day.  In short, weird as it may seem, it appears that I had a mild attack of the flu.

Started my Magna Carta MOOC.  The educational and learning MOOCs will be attacked starting Wednesday.  While I am technically not on holiday, it somehow feels like it, for which I can't help by wear a smile.

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