Wet Day

Last day of our kayak course. Today should be assessment day but since none of us has perfected the 'roll', we won't get our 3 stars. Not too upset though, all on track and just a bit more practice.
So we paddled out from Arisaig in drizzle. Headed out to the skerries - a fab spot where seals lol around on the rocks and white sandy beaches are revealed as the tide recedes. We have camped out here before so it was nice to revisit 'our' island.
Practiced some more of our skills and finally we had to Get Wet. Practicing a rescue means that someone has to be in the water. So we all took our turns in taking a dip, and screeching at the shock of the cold sea. We got through the exercises and then headed straight back to shore, sh- shivering.
So the end of the course, no stars but lots of new information to take on. Also lots of kit to buy!
As we headed home we all felt proud of ourselves and I was especially proud of the Teenager who took it all in his stride. And coped without wifi.

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