A Suffolk Eye

By CroPage


What on earth do you call a five-wheeled bicycle?

This cheerful small girl is bravely in the front-line - facing traffic head-on on this bicycle built for three at the Woodbridge Family Cycling Festival. Perhaps it is fortunate that the ride is a purely on-grass experience.

The festival was a lovely affair - in unexpectedly excellent weather. There were races and on- and off-track events and rides and stalls and refreshments and repairs and repair classes and people even got a chance to recycle that nearly-forgotten bike for the reuse of people in Africa via the Re-Cycle charity. All in all everything for the cyclist - whether a lycra-clad spod or a fat old totty like myself.

And it really was for all ages. The youngest person I saw on two wheels was aged about 3, while I was overtaken (at speed) on the hill out of Woodbridge by a man who cheerfully told me he was in his mid-70s as he zoomed past.

Use it or lose it, as they say

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