
Worrying morning waiting for a phone call from Mr EG after they announced redundancies (about half the workforce). He had a meeting with his boss this morning and fortunately he's OK (for now!).

Has been an unpleasant few days with a lot of uncertainty. My re-occuring nightmares returned about my old workplace. I always wake up feeling crap and useless. It was a long time ago now but in my nightmares seems like only yesterday I had to sit in front of those bullies at 20 weeks pregnant. But I can stick my fingers up to them now- I have my own successful business, earn more and work half the hours! And I work with lovely people and animals not in a depressing grey office where everyone is miserable as hell. It was probably the best work related thing that could have happened to me, but left a very nasty aftertaste. Time to move on....

Once we'd had the phonecall it felt like we could enjoy the day. Met the Castledines and Ruth at Rushcliff park. Kids took bikes and had a really nice time playing. Very often when we meet up there are more of us. Tobes is the only older boy and sometimes it feels like he gets left out while the girls play together. But he had a great time with Frankie and Ava and also loves playing with Phoenix now he's a bit older.

On way home I started feeling rough. My arms were aching from holding them up to hold the steering wheel! I just had to put the TV on for the kids and when Mike came home I crawled into bed and slept for two hours. When I woke up I felt much better until bedtime so I sat up till midnight doing the invoices and then felt rubbish again!

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